or: i am not immune to fomo

so i adopted a dragon.

a collectible card featuring a mushroom-covered green dragon.

this is not a particularly long or engaging story, but heck it. i'm here to tell the origin story of seelium up above.

i've been a longtime fan of speedruns. i love both the highly technical, glitch-heavy runs--including runs that use arbitrary code execution, or ace, to complete games in mere minutes or seconds--and the really long, player-intensive runs. that said, i have withdrawn mostly from the "communities" that crop up around individual runners. recently, taybi let me know about the existence of the frame fatales discord, a community centered around highlighting and supporting women and femme speedrunners.

it's been pressing on me more lately to find more places where i feel like i can meet new people, maybe even new friends. it would probably be better if they were in-person places, but i'm very used to online spaces at this point. trying to join this particular space seemed like a good fit for me.

it was here that someone posted a link to a series of adoptables, illustrated by marlowe dobbe, and i immediately fell for the cute mushroom-covered dragon.

i haven't decided on a lot about this cutie beyond their name (seelie for short). i can't remember the last time i bought art for myself, but...i think i need to buy more.